Wednesday, Daily Devotional

Daily Devotional

Read: John 20:24-31

This reading is affectionately known as: “Doubting Thomas”. It is usually read the first Sunday after Easter, because the reading states that it happened, “eight days later.” But before Thomas saw and believed, he doubted. All of his friends, the disciples, were together telling him that they had seen the LORD. There are just some things that we have to see in order to believe. This fact is often thrown in the faces of Christians by unbelievers who say, “you’ve never actually seen Christ with your own eyes.” They want us to behave like Thomas.

If we are actually honest with ourselves, we know that we doubt sometimes. I remember when I was young, I was doubting my faith. I went up to my mother and confessed to her my doubts about Jesus. In her wise way, she thought for a minute, and smiled. She said: “Chris, if you didn’t have faith, you wouldn’t have anything to doubt about. As a ten or twelve year old boy, that meant the world to me. I had never seen Jesus with my own eyes, but I did believe. I am sure it is the same with you. You have had similar stories to mine.

The point of this reading is not whether or not Thomas saw Christ. The point is that Thomas ended up believing in Christ again. So Jesus gives his final beatitude: “Blessèd are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” Believing in God can be hard sometimes. It can be hard when doubt is thrown in our face. But Jesus did many signs in the presence of the disciples so that you and I might believe and have life in His name. Their stories are passed down to us. Open up your Bible, and read on.

Please pray: Dear Heavenly Father: we are sorry for when we doubt Your love for us. Thank you for forgiving us in the name of Your Only Son, Jesus Christ. He has promised that we will be blessed for believing in You even though we have not seen You. Allow us to see Your actions in our lives so that our faith may only ever increase. Amen.

Devocional Cotidiana - Abril 15

Lee: Juan 20:24-31

Esta lectura se conoce como: Tomás El Dudoso. Normalmente se lee el primer Domingo después de la Pascua, porque dice que el acontecimiento pasó: “ocho días después.” Pero antes de que Tomás veía y creía, dudaba. Todos de sus amigos, los discípulos, estaban juntos, diciéndole que han visto al SEÑOR. Hay algunas cosas que simplemente tenemos que ver para creer. Este hecho está tirado a los Cristianos por los que no creen, que dicen: “actualmente nunca has visto a Cristo con tus propios ojos.” Quieren que nos comportemos como Tomás.

Si estamos honestos con nosotros, sabemos que dudamos a veces. Me acuerdo de cuando era joven. Dudaba mi fe. Fui a mi madre y le confesé mis dudas sobre Jesús. En su manera sabia, pensó un rato, y sonrió. Me dijo: “Cristóbal, si no tuvieras la fe, no tendrías algo para dudar. Como un joven de diez o doce años, sus palabras se quedaron en mi corazón. Nunca he visto a Jesús con mis propios ojos, pero sī creía. Estoy seguro que es lo mismo con contigo. Has tenido un cuento simular al mío.

Lo que vale en esta lectura no es si Tomás vio a Cristo o no. Lo que vale es que Tomás creía en Cristo otra vez. Así Jesús nos da su bienaventurado final: “Bienaventurados los que no ven y creen.” Creer en Cristo puede ser difícil a veces. Es difícil cuando la duda nos esté tirado. Pero Jesús hizo muchas otras señales en presencia de sus discípulos así que tú y yo tengamos vida en su nombre. Sus historias están transmitido por los siglos a nosotros. Abre tu Biblia y sigue de leer.

Favor de orar: Querido Padre Celestial: Lo sentimos por dudar Tu amor para nosotros. Gracias por perdonarnos en el nombre de Tu Único Hijo, Jesucristo. Él nos ha prometido que estaremos bienaventurados por creen en Ti aunque no Te hemos visto. Permite que veamos Tus acciones en nuestras vidas para que nuestra fe sólo aumente. Amén.